Graphic promoting National Voter Registration Day. The image features a blue background with a circular rainbow gradient framing the Challenge Unlimited logo in the center, which depicts a hand forming the letter 'U' with a curved line underneath. The text at the top reads 'National Voter Registration Day' in white, with 'Community Partner' in yellow. The date 'Sept 17' is displayed on the left, with '2024' on the right. The words 'Rise Up and Register' are below the logo in yellow, and 'Learn more:' is written along the bottom of the image in white text on a red banner. A small badge with a map of the U.S. and the text 'National Voter Registration Day' is also present in the top right corner.

September is National Voter Registration Month, and Challenge Unlimited is excited to help our community get #VoteReady for the upcoming elections! We’re committed to providing access to online resources to help you register and prepare to vote in the 2024 election.

Why Register to Vote?

Voting is one of the most important ways to have your voice heard in shaping the future of our communities. However, many eligible voters—especially those with disabilities—face barriers to accessing the polls. At Challenge Unlimited, we believe that every voice matters, and we are committed to ensuring that every eligible voter, regardless of ability, has the opportunity to participate in the democratic process.

Accessible Voting for People with Disabilities

It’s crucial that voting is accessible for all, including individuals with disabilities. Illinois offers a variety of tools and accommodations to ensure that voters with disabilities can register, vote, and make their voices heard. You can find these resources on our Voter Registration Resource Page, including:

  • Accessible online voter registration
  • Mail-in and absentee voting options for those who may find it difficult to visit a polling place
  • In-person voting accessibility features, such as curbside voting and accessible voting equipment

For more detailed information about disability voting rights and resources in Illinois, visit Illinois Disability Voter Resources.

How to Get #VoteReady in Illinois

Registering to vote in Illinois is simple and accessible, and our Voter Registration Resource Page provides everything you need, from checking your registration status to finding out about accessible voting options. This page will guide you through:

  • Online voter registration
  • Instructions for mail-in voting
  • Illinois-specific accessibility resources and accommodations for voters with disabilities
  • Important election dates and deadlines

We also recommend visiting for general voter registration resources and more information on accessibility at the polls.

Ensuring Equal Access for All Voters

At Challenge Unlimited, we’re dedicated to helping make voting accessible to everyone. National Voter Registration Day is an opportunity for all of us to ensure that every member of our community, including those with disabilities, is empowered to vote. Take advantage of our resources and make sure you’re ready to participate in this year’s election.

Visit our Voter Registration Resource Page today to check your registration, learn about accessible voting options, and get ready to make your voice heard this November 5, 2024.