Residential Options


Our mission is founded on the belief that each person with a disability and their families should have a choice to receive customized housing services that are based on individual preference.

We serve over 100 residents with dozens of locations throughout the Illinois-Metro East area. With a team of highly trained and dedicated care professionals, we offer 24/7 services and a choice of the model of home that best meets a person’s preference.

Resident cooks kabobs on an outdoor grill.
Home models include:
Community Integrated Living Arrangement (CILA)

Our CILA homes function much like any other family home with a routine, shared effort to maintain the home, family trips, holiday celebrations, companionship, support with personal goals and dreams. We have the benefit of the professional support of our dietician, RNs, case managers and direct care professionals. For some the goal is to make this their forever home; for others this is an opportunity for personal growth to be able to live as independently as possible.

ICF/DD – Intermediate Care Facility/Developmental Disability

Our ICF/DD homes function much the same as our CILA homes with a routine, shared effort to maintain the home, family trips, holiday celebrations, companionship, support with personal goals and dreams with professional support. Admission into an ICF/DD home does not require a PUNS selection and many individuals begin their journey of independence in an ICF/DD home.

Residential Options Logo

Our homes are modern, clean and maintained at the highest code of standard for safety and quality. From single room arrangements with all the state of the art amenities such as televisions, warm and inviting furnishings; internet; with access to common areas for socializing, playing games and sharing meals. Additional amenities include spacious rooms, modern accessible bathrooms, and personalized bedrooms.

Each resident receives the chance to participate in all of the joys and responsibilities of a typical home living; such as cooking, laundry, cleaning, gardening, and pet care. All residents are encouraged to become active members of their communities and participate in the programs offered by Challenge Unlimited.

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A resident pulls shrimp out of the fridge to be cooked.
A resident pulls shrimp out of the fridge to be cooked.
Residents enjoy pizza and cake after winning our gingerbread house contest.
Residents enjoy pizza and cake after winning our gingerbread house contest.

“Residential Options helps me to live a better life. I now know how to handle stressful situations. Without RO, I’d be lost. I love living here!”

Debbie F., Home Resident, Residential Options

“Through Residential Options Josh is learning responsibility, respecting others, and practical skills to work in the community. We have no doubt that he will succeed. He has been warmly welcomed and feels at home.”

Individual's Guardian, Residential Options

He absolutely loves the home environment and all the caregivers there. The group home does a lot of activities, and he is truly happy. I do not worry about him at all.”

Mary M., Mom/Guardian, Residential Options

“It’s nice being able to pick up the phone, make a call, and find out how your loved one is doing. Keeping family members informed the way Residential Options does is truly a breath of fresh air. Having staff members take the time to learn my daughter’s needs and REALLY wanting to help her is phenomenal.”

Cheryl P., Mom/Guardian, Residential Options