Project CU, Inc.


Project CU, Inc. is a proud affiliate of Challenge Unlimited, a leading provider of Extended Employment Services for people with disabilities and other barriers. Together, we are committed to creating meaningful work opportunities and vocational training for our employees and individuals served. 

Michael on the job
Project CU, Inc. Logo
Our Mission & History

Project CU, Inc. has a long and rich history of serving the St. Louis community. We were founded in 1958 by six families who wanted to provide employment and vocational training for their family members with disabilities. Since then, we have grown to serve over 100 individuals with various disabilities and challenges, such as intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD), mental health diagnosis, and traumatic brain injury. We also support individuals with additional physical, hearing, or sight impairments. 

We offer flexible scheduling and individualized support to meet the diverse needs and preferences of our employees and individuals served. Our goal is to help them achieve their full potential and enhance their quality of life. 

Cedric on the job

Our Services

We provide a range of services and partnerships to create employment opportunities and vocational training for our employees and individuals served.

Some of the benefits of working with us are:
  • We provide an Employment Services program that helps individuals seek employment options as desired. This program serves individuals from St. Louis City and County and includes individuals from our Extended Employment Program.

  • We deliver high-quality work, competitive pricing, and fast turnaround for our business partners. 

  • We support the personal and professional growth of our employees and individuals served and help them achieve their full potential and enhance their quality of life.

  • We offer sub-contracting services in packaging, hand-assembly, and service contracts to over 30 local and national business partners.

  • We make a positive impact on the community by creating inclusive and diverse work environments.

Project CU, Inc. is partially funded by the St. Louis Office for DD Resources and the Productive Living Board.
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You can help Project CU’s workers find meaning and a purpose in their lives too! Your charitable financial contribution to Project CU, Inc. will ensure that this important mission can continue for many years to come.

Click our Donate button below to contribute or visit our Donate page to check out the many ways you can help!

Project CU, Inc. Customers

“I was diagnosed in 1991. I was in and out of the mental health institution and homeless for a long time. It was hard for me to maintain employment due to my education level and health. I appreciate Project CU for creating jobs for the less learned and for those who deal with mental illness. If it wasn’t for Project CU, I don’t know what I would do! The staff is very friendly and tolerant. I have even been promoted.”

Cedric, Project CU, Inc.

Our Networks

Missouri Association of Sheltered Workshop Managers (MASWM) Logo

Missouri Association of Sheltered Workshop Managers (MASWM)

MASWM is dedicated to enhancing Missouri’s extended employment sheltered workshops, programs, and business services.
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) Logo

Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

Missouri Workshops are the service providers for the state’s Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) Extended Employment Sheltered Workshop Program (EESWP). Through these workshops, employment and skills training is provided to 5,400 Missourians with disabilities. “Collaboration with business and industry partners is essential to our work at the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, including the sheltered workshops we oversee statewide,” said Commissioner of Education Margie Vandeven.